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Accessibility Commitee


Νικολέττα ΙακωβίδουNikoletta Iakovidou
Professor of Medical School

Vice President

Σοφία ΠαπαϊωάννουSofia Papaioannou
Vice President of the Support Center
of Teaching and Learning
Professor of the Department of Philology
at the School of Philosophy


Σπυρίδων ΕυθυμιόπουλοςSpyridon Efthymiopoulos
Professor of the Biology Department at the School of Science

Εμμανουήλ ΣκορδίληςEmmanouil Skordilis
Professor of the School of Science of Physical Education and Sport Science

Χριστίνα ΑναγνωστοπούλουChristina Anagnostopoulou
Associate Professor of the Department of Music Studies at the School of Philosophy

Χριστίνα ΛιβαδάChristina Livada
Assistant Professor of the School of Law

Αλέξανδρος ΠαπανικολάουAlexandros Papanikolaou
Head of Equal Access Unit

maleIoannis Barmparesos
Director of Technical Services Directorate

Στυλιανός ΚυμπουρόπουλοςStylianos Kympouropoulos
Student representative
PhD Student of Medicine School