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The mission of the Accessibility Unit is:

the achievement in practice of coequal access to the academic studies of students with different abilities and needs, by providing environmental modifications, computer based Assistive Technologies, and Access Services.

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The Accessibility of the NKUA was established and became functional by decision of the University Senate on 23 February 2006 and the Rector’s Council on 22 March 2006.

Brochure and Video

In the brochure of the Accessibility Unit of the NKUA (DOCX or PDF) you can find a brief overview of the services it provides.

In order to open the PDF document you must have installed Adobe Reader. If you don’t, you can download it by clicking on the link below: Download Adobe ReaderOpens in a new window
The following video was created by the cinema section of the NKUA Cultural Club featuring students supported by the Accessibility Unit.