You will receive an email from the ASVS confirming that your demands have been received. Maybe, there will be further questions.
The ASVS will notify active volunteers about your demands, so that they can express their interest to undertake any of them.
The ASVS will assign each of your demands to the most suitable volunteer and provide him/her fast-track preparatory training according to the tasks he/she is going to undertake.
A staff member of the Accessibility Unit will inform you about the fact that your support has been assigned to a certain volunteer or a group of volunteers and arrange a meeting.
The first meeting will take place in your Department/Faculty. The conditions of participation in the voluntary support program will be mentioned in detail and the tasks undertaken by each volunteer will be specified during that meeting. After that, you will sign the Voluntary Support Agreement, which defines the framework of your collaboration.
In case no active volunteer responds to (any of) your demands, the ASVS will seek new volunteers. A search for new volunteers is carried out in the following ways: either there will be an announcement by the secretariat of your Department/Faculty calling your fellow students to join the voluntary support program or the instructors of the classes you attend will upload an announcement in eclass. In either case your name and contact details won’t be disclosed; only the tasks that are to be undertaken by volunteers and the activity limitations and participation restrictions you face will be mentioned in these announcements. Should new volunteers be found through this procedure, your support will be assigned to them (see steps 4, 5 above).
During your collaboration with volunteers, you will give feedback to the ASVS every week in whatever form suits you best (cf. Collaboration Journal). If any problem arises, the ASVS will seek a solution.
At the end of the semester you will fill in some brief evaluation forms in order to evaluate your experience.
The commitment of volunteers lasts till the end of the semester.
The same procedure is to be repeated for every new demand at the beginning of or during the semester on your own initiative.